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Organic potash fertilizer Essential Fertilizer for Gardening | Plant Fertilizer

Organic potash fertilizer Essential Fertilizer for Gardening | Plant Fertilizer

Katyayani Organics

Bio/Organic Fertilizers

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Katyayani organic potash fertilizer is organic fertilizer is used for flowers and fruit size Helps to increase the crop yield. improves plant and health. improves root growth and helps plants fight diseases 

Organic. Potash is used on crops, such as corn, wheat, and vegetables, it helps increase the quantity and quality of yields. organic potash fertilizer is a necessary nutrient required for the growth of plants. Potash helps in improving photosynthesis efficiency as it regulates CO2 intake.

organic potash fertilizer Increases water retention. Improves drought resistance and increases root growth.

Katyayani organic potash fertilizer is organic fertilizer is used for flowers and fruit size Helps to increase the crop yield.


Improves plant health. improves root growth and helps plants fight diseases Organic.


Potash is used on crops, such as corn, wheat, and vegetables, it helps increase the quantity and quality of yields.


organic potash fertilizer is a necessary nutrient required for the growth of plants. Potash helps in improving photosynthesis efficiency as it regulates CO2 intake.


organic potash fertilizer Increases water retention.


Improves drought resistance and increases root growth. Produce grain rich in starch. Creates disease resistance in plants. Maintains turgor, reduces water loss and wilting, and also increases plant resistance to drought.


Soil Microbial activity increases. Dosage is 3-4ml per ltr. of water as foliar/fertigation/drip applications. 


Organic Potadh is available in granular form also which is totally bio


Seed treatment: For seeds mix 10 ml organic potash fertilizer/kg of seeds. Seedlings or planting setts can be dipped for 30 min @ 250 - 500 ml per 50 to 60-liter water before planting.


After each treatment allow the seed/seedling/sett to dry in shade for 30 minutes before planting.  Long Description- Katyayani organic potash fertilizer is organic fertilizer used for flowers and fruit size that helps to increase crop yield.


Improves plant health. improves root developmentKatyayani organic potash fertilizer helps to enlarge the roots and strengthen the stem of the rose by increasing the ability of the roots to absorb essential nutrients and water more efficiently.


Promotes Beautiful Blooms Organic potash is heavy in phosphorus which will help promote those big, beautiful blooms that growers are looking for Potash helps to improve photosynthesis efficiency as it regulates CO2 intake.


Addresses the problem of fallen leaves and improves root resistance to water loss and pests. Enhances plant growth and improves soil quality Suitable for indoor and outdoor plants just three-step to use


1 Sprinkle evenly around the plant.


2 Change the soil around the plant to cover the organic potash.


3 There is enough water.