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Katyayani Prom organic fertilizer
Katyayani Prom organic fertilizer
Katyayani Prom organic fertilizer
Katyayani Prom organic fertilizer
Katyayani Prom organic fertilizer
Katyayani Prom organic fertilizer

Katyayani Prom organic fertilizer

Katyayani Organics

Bio/Organic Fertilizers

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Katyayani Prom organic fertilizer is phosphate-rich organic manure that improves the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil and increases crop production. It improves the resistance power of crops against various diseases. It is a completely Eco-friendly product.

It is widely used for and be used in all cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, and flowers for all plants Flowers, vegetables or crops, All Natural and Organic Nutrients Include Katyayani Prom organic fertilizer.

It helps in humus formation. It also improves the germination percentage of seeds and helps in effective root development.

Katyayani Prom organic fertilizer is phosphate-rich organic manure that improves the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil and increases crop production.


It improves the resistance power of crops against various diseases. It is a completely Eco-friendly product.


It is widely used for and be used in all cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, and flowers for all plants Flowers, vegetables, or crops, All Natural and Organic Nutrients Include Katyayani Prom organic fertilizer.


It helps in humus formation.


It also improves the germination percentage of seeds and helps in effective root development.


We are engaged in a wide range of organic fertilizers, organic prom manure is organic phosphate-rich organic manure Plants germinate faster.


It's Full of complete nutrients. Increases availability of nutrients in soil and plant.


CO2 is released during decomposition and helps to reduce the alkalinity of the soil.


The dosage is 30 grams for small plants.60 grams for big plants.


200 KG per acre in Agricultural Fields. Take two handfuls of Prom & spread it on the Pot soil.


Add water to the soil after 1-2 hours. For best results add Prom to your soil twice a month.  


Katyayani Prom organic fertilizer is a Phosphate Rich Organic Manure (PROM) is a value-added product produced by co-compositing high-grade rock phosphate in fine size with organic matter collected from various sources such as FYM, straw paddy or wheat, press mud, karanji cake, or waste from fruit industries and distillery, etc.


Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) and nitrogen-fixing bacteria are added to improve the efficiency.


phosphate ore, since is biochemically converted to soluble phosphates, can be fed directly to plants The process of production of Prom is highly cost-effective as it is a low-energy process that does not demand high temperature or high pressure (operates at ordinary temperature and pressure), needs no chemical catalyst and does not consume any valuable chemicals Production of PROM is highly cost-effective as it is a low energy process that does not demand high temperature or high pressure (operates at ordinary temperature and pressure), needs no chemical catalyst and does not consume any valuable chemicals