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Katyayani Boost Propiconazole 25 % EC
Katyayani Boost Propiconazole 25 % EC
Katyayani Boost Propiconazole 25 % EC
Katyayani Boost Propiconazole 25 % EC
Katyayani Boost Propiconazole 25 % EC
Katyayani Boost Propiconazole 25 % EC
Katyayani Boost Propiconazole 25 % EC
Katyayani Boost Propiconazole 25 % EC

Katyayani Boost Propiconazole 25 % EC

Katyayani Organics

Fungicides & Viricides

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Propiconazole is cost effective and best as a curative and preventive for control against rusts and leaf spot diseases.

Propiconazole is Highly effective in controlling deadly diseases like rusts, bunts, blights and leaf spots infecting many crops.

Application: Apply immediately when first symptoms of disease are noticed. Although spray interval depends on severity of the


Katyayani Boost Contains Propiconazole 25% EC which is cost-effective and best as a curative and preventive fungicide for control against rusts and leaf spot diseases.


Boost Propiconazole 25% EC is Highly effective in controlling deadly diseases like bunts, blights, and leaf spots Karnal Bunt, Brown Rust, Black Rust, Yellow Rust, Leave Rust Sheath Blight, Black Dirty Grain Tikka Disease, Rust Blister Sigatoka Leaf Spots infecting in Crops like Wheat Paddy Groundnut Tea Soybean Banana Coffee Cotton, etc.


Boost is a systemic specialty broad-spectrum fungicide.


It is rapidly absorbed by the Leaves or stems and translocated upward through the xylem.


First spray at the initiation of infestation and subsequent spray after 7 to 10 days of the first spray or as and when required Boost has both curative and protective action, hence controlling the plant diseases very effectively.


Ideal for Agriculture & For domestic Purposes like Home Gardens and Nurseries


Dosage: For Domestic Use Take 2 ml boost mix in 1 Liter Water and Spray on Leaves ( Foliar Spray ), For Large Applications 200-300 ml per acre is recommended.


Detailed Instructions to use is given along with the product.   Propiconazole 25% EC is a systemic specialty fungicide.


It is rapidly absorbed by the Leaves or stems and translocated upward through the xylem.


It is a potent ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitor.


Ergosterol, a principal sterol in most fungi is an indispensable component in the membrane structures.


Crop Ground nut, Paddy, Soybean, Tea & Wheat Target Disease  Kernal bunt, Apple scab, Leaf and Brown rust, Stem rust, Yellow rust, Sheath Blight, Leaf spot.


Other Market Names : Zerox TILT Markzole Albu etc