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Hifield Amipro 30%
Hifield Amipro 30%
Hifield Amipro 30%
Hifield Amipro 30%
Hifield Amipro 30%

Hifield Amipro 30%


Plant Growth Promoter

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This product is an effective combination of amino acids, vitamins and proteins that are essential for the overall development of all crops and plants. ● It also works as an organic biofertilizer that increases flowering and fruiting processes. ● Improves size, weight and immunity of crops and plants that indirectly boosts yield quality and quantity. ● Liquid amino acid speeds up the process of cell elongation and cell division that betters the growth of plant/crop development..

● This product is an effective combination of amino acids, vitamins and proteins that are essential for the overall development of all crops and plants. ● It also works as an organic biofertilizer that increases flowering and fruiting processes. ● Improves size, weight and immunity of crops and plants that indirectly boosts yield quality and quantity. ● Liquid amino acid speeds up the process of cell elongation and cell division that betters the growth of plant/crop development.. All crops vegetable, flower gardens, orchards, turf grass, Fruits (Horticulture), Hydrophonics, Green House Crops etc.,, Dose: 1 ML / Ltr, Suitable for Drip, Folliar Spray, Drenching