eKisan Zone
Katyayani Anti Virus
Katyayani Anti Virus
Katyayani Anti Virus
Katyayani Anti Virus

Katyayani Anti Virus

Katyayani Organics

Bio/Organic Insecticide

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About KATYAYANI AntiVirus:

Katyayani AntiVirus is the organic solution for crop viral diseases, offering wide-ranging protection derived from unique herbs. It swiftly stops viruses, boosts growth, and increases yields. By entering through stomata and traveling through vascular systems, it encapsulates viral particles, clears blockages, and aids plant recovery, ensuring virus-free foliage for up to 15 days after use.


This Broad Spectrum Organic Virucide is formulated from a unique blend of rare herbs that not only protect plants from viruses but also enhance their resistance against them.


AntiVirus  3-5 ml/ liter of water through the spray-Foliar Application.

Benefits of Katyayani AntiVirus:

Enhances plant resistance to viral infections.

Effective against a variety of viral diseases.

Stimulates fresh growth and improves yield.

Provides immediate action against viruses.

Ensures plant recovery and promotes healthy growth.

Targeted Crops:

 All crops (vegetable, fruits, pulses) Preventive

Targeted viral diseases :

Chilli Mosaic Virus, Squash Mosaic Virus, Cucumber Mosaic Virus, Tomato Leaf Curl Virus, Tomato New Delhi Virus, Tomato Mosaic Virus, Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus, Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus, Papaya Mosaic Virus, Okra Mosaic Virus.

How Katyayani AntiVirus Works:

AntiVirus enters plants through stomatal openings and is then translocated into the plant system via vascular bundles.

Upon entering the affected plant cell, AntiVirus encapsulates the viral particles.

AntiVirus by krishi seva kendra helps in opening up the conductive tissues blocked by the virus particles, allowing plant cells to recover, leading to the emergence of new, virus-free leaves.
