eKisan Zone
Dr. Fix (Alpha Napthyl Acid - 4.5% SL)
Dr. Fix (Alpha Napthyl Acid - 4.5% SL)
Dr. Fix (Alpha Napthyl Acid - 4.5% SL)
Dr. Fix (Alpha Napthyl Acid - 4.5% SL)
Dr. Fix (Alpha Napthyl Acid - 4.5% SL)

Dr. Fix (Alpha Napthyl Acid - 4.5% SL)


Plant Growth Regulator

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Dr. Fix (Alpha Napthyl Acid - 4.5% SL)

It is a plant growth regulator based on  Alpha Naphthyl Acetic Acid. When it is Applied on the leaves by foliar application, it prevents the formation of an abscission layer by suppressing the ethylene gas produced, which prevents the shedding of flowers, buds and fruits.

Liquid formulation/ active components: Naphthyl Acetic Acid 4.5% SL

Recommended Crops: Chilli, Cotton, Mango, Pineapple, Tomato, Grapes

Dr. Fix (Alpha Napthyl Acid - 4.5% SL)

It is a plant growth regulator based on  Alpha Naphthyl Acetic Acid. When it is Applied on the leaves by foliar application, it prevents the formation of an abscission layer by suppressing the ethylene gas produced, which prevents the shedding of flowers, buds and fruits.

Liquid formulation/ active components: Naphthyl Acetic Acid 4.5% SL


It promotes flowering.

It reduces fruit and flower dropping in Tomato and Chilli crops.

It prevents square, flower and boll in Cotton crop.

It reduces flower dropping in Mango crop and helps in fruit setting.

It helps to control Mango malformation disease.

It reduces berry dropping in Grapes.

It improves color, luster, size and quality of fruits.

Recommended Crops: Chilli, Cotton, Mango, Pineapple, Tomato, Grapes

Application: By spray


Crop – Chilli

Stage – During Flowering stage and 20- 30 days after flowering

Spray- 0.2 ml / lit

Crop – Cotton

Stage – Square to Boll formation stage

Spray- 0.2 ml / liter

Crop – Mango

Stage – When tender fruits are of Pea size and when fruits are marble size. (2 cm diameter)

Spray- 0.4 ml / liter

Stage – Approx. 3 months before flowering

Spray- 4.44 ml / liter

Crop – Pineapple

Stage – At the time of Flowering

Spray- 0.2 ml / liter

Stage – To increase fruit size

Spray- 4.4 ml / liter

Stage – 2 weeks before harvesting

Spray – 2.2 ml / liter

Crop – Tomato

Stage – At the time of Flowering

Spray- 1 ml / liter

Crop – Grapes

Stage – At the time of pruning

Spray- 0.04 ml / liter

Stage – When flowering shoot appears

Spray- 0.04 ml / liter

Stage – 10- 15 days before harvesting

Spray- 0.4 ml / liter