eKisan Zone
Glory Fert PROM  Powder - P (Phosphate Rich Organic Manure)

Glory Fert PROM Powder - P (Phosphate Rich Organic Manure)


Bio/Organic Fertilizers

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Glory Fert PROM  Powder

It is Phosphate Rich Organic Manure and Eco-friendly organic fertilizer. It contains organic phosphorus, which is made available to plants slowly without stabilization.

Dose: Soil Application: 6 bags (240 Kg)/acre

Glory Fert PROM  Powder

It is Phosphate Rich Organic Manure and Eco-friendly organic fertilizer. It contains organic phosphorus, which is made available to plants slowly without stabilization.


It Improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil.

It helps to improve the soil properties by increasing microorganism activity.

It balances soil pH by increasing organic carbon.

It improves soil fertility and increases the root expansion of crops.

It builds resistance in the crop against various diseases.

It is beneficial for organic farming as it is an eco-friendly organic fertilizer.

It helps to increase yield by improving fruit size.

Dose: Soil Application: 6 bags (240 Kg)/acre