eKisan Zone
Glory Fert  Green Organic Manure Granual - Gr

Glory Fert Green Organic Manure Granual - Gr


Bio/Organic Fertilizers

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Glory Fert  Green Organic Manure Granular

Gloryfert Green is a Organic Fertilizer. It helps to Provide all the nutrients required to the crops.

Dose: Soil Application: 25 bags (1 ton)/acre

Glory Fert  Green Organic Manure Granular

Gloryfert Green is a Organic Fertilizer. It helps to Provide all the nutrients required to the crops.


It helps to maintain soil C:N ratio.

It Improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil.

It increases the water-holding capacity of the soil.

It increases biological activities in the soil and provides available nutrients to the crops.

It balances the microorganism in the soil and helps to control nematodes and fungus.

Dose: Soil Application: 25 bags (1 ton)/acre