eKisan Zone
RCS's KSB (Potash Mobilizing  Bacteria Inoculant)

RCS's KSB (Potash Mobilizing Bacteria Inoculant)


Bio/Organic Fertilizers

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Potash Solubilising Bacteria like Bacillus
mucilaginous(All Cereals, pulses, ornamental and horticultural crops)

RCS's KSB (Potash Mobilizing Bacteria Inoculant) Biofertilizer is a revolutionary product designed to enhance the availability and uptake of potassium in plants. Potassium is a vital nutrient for plant growth and development, playing a crucial role in improving stress tolerance, disease resistance, and overall productivity. This biofertilizer contains a unique blend of potent bacteria that are specifically selected for their ability to solubilize and release potassium from the soil, making it more accessible to plant roots.

By incorporating RCS's KSB Biofertilizer into your agricultural practices, you can significantly increase the efficiency of potassium uptake by your crops, leading to improved yield and quality. This product is completely organic and environmentally friendly, making it a sustainable option for farmers looking to enhance the health and performance of their crops. Say goodbye to expensive chemical fertilizers and hello to a more natural and effective solution with RCS's KSB Biofertilizer.