eKisan Zone
Geolife No Virus Chilli Special, Organic Virucide for Plants
Geolife No Virus Chilli Special, Organic Virucide for Plants
Geolife No Virus Chilli Special, Organic Virucide for Plants
Geolife No Virus Chilli Special, Organic Virucide for Plants

Geolife No Virus Chilli Special, Organic Virucide for Plants


Bio/Organic Fungicide

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o Virus Chilli is the most effective Anti Virus product in the world to protect crops from all types of viral diseases.

It is a Broad Spectrum Organic Virucide that protects the plant from Viruses and also improves resistance against them.

It is a combination of rare herbs which stops the virus immediately and gives fresh growth and better yield in plants.

Organic Viricide No-Virus is an effective anti-viral product to protect crops from all types of viral diseases.

It is a Broad Spectrum Organic Virucide that protects the plant from Viruses and also improves resistance against them.

It is a combination of rare herbs which stops the Virus immediately and gives fresh growth and yield.


Mode of Action: No-Virus enters the plant through the stomatal opening and is translocated into the plant system through the vascular bundles. No-Virus on entering the affected plant cell encapsulates the virion particles. No-Virus opens up the conductive tissues blocked by the virus particles and the plant cells start to recover & the new leaves emerge virus free. It is effective up to 15 days after application. In combination with Treat or any other fungicide, it gives complete protection to plants from bacterial and fungal diseases.

Dosage : 3-5ml/litre of water