eKisan Zone
Bactogang Nanomeal Start (For Initial Growth Stage)
Bactogang Nanomeal Start (For Initial Growth Stage)
Bactogang Nanomeal Start (For Initial Growth Stage)

Bactogang Nanomeal Start (For Initial Growth Stage)


Bio/Organic Fertilizers

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During the main growth stage, the plant requires an adequate amount of Nitrogen and Phosphorous for proper root and shoot development. Nanomeal Grow promotes productive branching and tillering.

Bactogang is a unique formulation consisting of various live microbe consortia and microbial extracts.

Nitrogen fixing bacteria (three species)

Bactogang is a unique formulation containing different live microbe consortia & microbial extracts Nitrogen- Fixing bacteria (Three Species )

Rhizobium: The bacteria colonize plant cells within root nodules where they convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia and then provide organic nitrogenous compounds. Which gives better plant growth.

Azotobacter: Binds atmospheric nitrogen, which is inaccessible to plants, and releases it in the form of ammonium ions into the soil. Which increases better availability of nitrogen to plants.

Azospirillum: It fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to plants in a non-symbiotic manner that can replace 50-90% of the nitrogen fertilizer required by plants & minimize.

Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) PSB strains are associated with the release of low molecular weight organic acids & their hydroxyl and carboxyl groups chelate the cations bound of phosphate, thereby converting it into soluble forms. Which gives better quality & yield of a crop.

Potash Solubilizing bacteria (KSB)KSB dissolves silicate minerals & releases potassium through the production of organic & inorganic acid. Which improves plant vigor & disease resistance.

Dosage: Crop Stage Dosage Application All crops (vegetable, fruits, sugarcane, pulses, cereals) Vegetative Growth (Up to 30-40 days) 500ml / Acre Drenching, broadcasting with organic compost.