eKisan Zone
Deltamethrin 2.8% EC | DEL-28 | Controls Mosquitoes, Cockroches, Houseflies | Contact, non-systemic insecticide

Deltamethrin 2.8% EC | DEL-28 | Controls Mosquitoes, Cockroches, Houseflies | Contact, non-systemic insecticide

Katyayani Organics

Home Care

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  • Deltamethrin exhibits a good residual activity due to a range of specific physico-chemical properties:
  • Solubility in fatty tissues allowing a good penetration into cuticle of leaves.
  • Very low vapor pressure and therefore a good resistance to evaporation.Demonstrates repellent action and anti-feeding properties.
  • Deltamethrin is a contact, non-systemic insecticide, adequate spray volume is essential to ensure good coverage on target plants and insects.
  • Dosage : 1.5 – 2 ml/L