eKisan Zone
Flower Special
Flower Special
Flower Special
Flower Special
Flower Special
Flower Special

Flower Special


Plant Growth Regulator

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Flower Special is a blend of essential growth hormones. It is used to maintain hormonal balance in plants.

It is effective on various parts of the plant and applicable to all stages of the plant.

Description :

Anand agro flower special (1000 ml)


Content:- flower special is a blend of essential growth hormones. it is used to maintain hormonal balance in plants.

it is effective on various parts of the plant and applicable to all stages of the plant.


Benefits:- helps in maintaining hormonal balance in plants.

it syntheses protein and essential amino acids in plant metabolism which induces a better effect on flowering and fruit setting efficiency.

Enhances plant growth and protects against pests and diseases. increases the quality of the final product. 100% organic and eco-friendly product.


Dosage: 1.5 to 2 ml/liter crops: all vegetables, fruits & other


Crops application: foliar application