eKisan Zone
Pancham Drip
Pancham Drip
Pancham Drip
Pancham Drip
Pancham Drip
Pancham Drip

Pancham Drip


Plant Growth Regulator

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Pancham drip is a high-quality soil conditioner and growth promoter which is prepared by combining different beneficial organic materials. It can serve as complete nutrition to the plant.

It is Improves soil fertility, root development in the plant and improves the nutrient uptake. It is Improves beneficial soil fauna and flora. It is Pancham drip is a natural nutrtion with organic N P K.


Descriptions: Pancham drip is a high-quality soil conditioner and growth promoter which is prepared by combining different beneficial organic materials.

It can serve as complete nutrition to the plant. Improves root development in the plant and improves nutrient uptake.

Improves beneficial soil fauna and flora. Improves resistance of plants in drought conditions.


Dosage: 1 - 2 Litre per acre Application- Useful for all crops