eKisan Zone
Dr. Bacto's K.M.B. -  4K
Dr. Bacto's K.M.B. -  4K
Dr. Bacto's K.M.B. -  4K
Dr. Bacto's K.M.B. -  4K

Dr. Bacto's K.M.B. - 4K


Bio/Organic Fertilizers

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Dr. Bacto’s KMB 4K has Potash Mobilizing Bacteria B. mucilaginous that are agriculturally beneficial bacteria capable of mobilizing inorganic potassium from insoluble compounds present in soil and providing it to the crops/plants.

Benefits : Dr. Bacto’s KMB 4K increases the sugar content, increases the weight and gives an attractive colour to the fruits. It increases the storage capacity of nutrients in the plant by continuing the metabolic activity under adverse condition. It helps to increase production quality by meeting the export criteria in fruit production.  The availability of potash improves the immunity power of the crop against diseases.


Description: Dr. Bacto’s KMB 4K has Potash Mobilizing Bacteria B. mucilaginous that are agriculturally beneficial bacteria capable of mobilizing inorganic potassium from insoluble compounds present in soil and providing it to the crops/plants. 


Mode of Action: Dr. Bacto’s KMB has secret various organic acids and other biological metabolites which are responsible for enhancing the potassium mobility into the crop from soil and thus help to increase potash uptake of the crop from the soil.


Benefits: It improves the potassium uptake of crops and also improves the resistance of crops against disease and stress conditions. It helps to secrete growth hormones to increase crop productivity. It enhances soil health and soil fertility.


Recommended Crops: For All Crops Packing Available: 1Kg, 500 gm, and 250 gm


Dosage: Seed Application - 20 gm per Kg of seeds Soil Application- 2.5 – 5 Kg per Hectare