eKisan Zone
Dr. Bacto's  Bactus
Dr. Bacto's  Bactus
Dr. Bacto's  Bactus
Dr. Bacto's  Bactus
Dr. Bacto's  Bactus
Dr. Bacto's  Bactus
Dr. Bacto's  Bactus
Dr. Bacto's  Bactus

Dr. Bacto's Bactus


Bio/Organic Fungicide

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It is a highly effective biological fungicide that effectively controls fungal and bacterial diseases. Dr. Bactos Bactus effectively controls downy mildew and other fungal diseases.  Benefits:  It effectively controls downy mildew, powdery mildew, and soil-borne diseases.

Dr. Bacto's Bactus - Bascillus Subtilis Spp.

Description: Bacillus Subtilis Spp - Control Over Downey Mildew, Powdery Mildew, and Anti- Bacterial diseases like leaf blight, etc.


Mode of Action: It is an eco-friendly biological fungicide based on Bacillus subtilis and is highly effective in Downey Mildew.

It inhibits the germination of the plant pathogen, interacts with the pathogen's attachment to the plant, and controls the spread of disease.


Benefit: Natural, Eco-friendly, residue-free, natural bio-fungicide very effective in the control of Fungal and Bacterial Diseases. Harmless and Eco-friendly low-cost agro-input.

Higher Shelf-life. Higher and perfect bacterial count. Allowed Organic Input by NOCA as Per NPOP standards of govt. of India.


Soil Application: 2 litter per Acer.

Foliar Spray: 2.5 ml per Litter.

Crops: All Vegetables, Fruits, and other Crops.