eKisan Zone
Crush pesticide for larva
Crush pesticide for larva
Crush pesticide for larva
Crush pesticide for larva
Crush pesticide for larva

Crush pesticide for larva


Bio/Organic Pesticides

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Botanical pesticides for larva management. Fruit borer, fall armyworm, stem borer, and all other borer complex pests are larval pests that can be controlled with organic, natural, and fungicide botanical pesticides.

Crush targets larvae of various insects, including caterpillars and grubs, offering farmers a potent defense against crop damage. 

With Crush pesticide for larva, farmers can deploy a proactive approach to pest management, ensuring robust crop protection throughout the growing season. This advanced formula delivers rapid and thorough control, minimizing the risk of crop loss and maximizing agricultural productivity. Easy to apply and environmentally friendly, Crush provides a sustainable solution for integrated pest management strategies, empowering farmers to cultivate healthy and resilient crops while preserving the ecological balance of their farming environments.

Organic Botanical, Natural, Pesticide, and Fungicide Botanical pesticides for larva pests like fruit borer, fall armyworm, stem borer & all other borer complex pests.


Dose: 1 to 1.50 ml per lit. of water.