eKisan Zone
Rich 5 Star Organic Plant growth promoter
Rich 5 Star Organic Plant growth promoter
Rich 5 Star Organic Plant growth promoter
Rich 5 Star Organic Plant growth promoter
Rich 5 Star Organic Plant growth promoter

Rich 5 Star Organic Plant growth promoter


Bio/Organic Fertilizers

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Rich 5 Star

It is granular form of complete  plant growth promoter to faster the initial growth and better root development of crops.

Dose: 5 to 10 kg / Acre Soil application with other fertilizers.

 Rich 5 Star, a premium granular plant growth promoter designed to accelerate initial growth and enhance root development in crops. This comprehensive formula is meticulously crafted to provide essential nutrients that support vigorous early-stage growth, ensuring your crops get the best possible start. Rich 5 Star integrates seamlessly with your existing fertilization program, optimizing soil health and boosting nutrient availability for robust plant development.

Ideal for large-scale agricultural operations and small farms alike, Rich 5 Star is applied at a dose of 5 to 10 kg per acre, ensuring thorough soil enrichment. Available in convenient packaging options of 5 kg, 10 kg, and 25 kg, it suits various farming needs. This versatile growth promoter is engineered to work in harmony with other fertilizers, providing a balanced nutrient profile that fosters strong root systems and sustained crop vitality.