eKisan Zone
Rich Bloom Flower (22% oil of Mirbane)
Rich Bloom Flower (22% oil of Mirbane)
Rich Bloom Flower (22% oil of Mirbane)
Rich Bloom Flower (22% oil of Mirbane)
Rich Bloom Flower (22% oil of Mirbane)
Rich Bloom Flower (22% oil of Mirbane)
Rich Bloom Flower (22% oil of Mirbane)

Rich Bloom Flower (22% oil of Mirbane)


Plant Growth Promoter

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Rich Bloom Flower (22% oil of Mirbane) 

It is plant energizer and yield enhancer. It enhances the plant canopy and induces profuse flowering and therby increase the yield.

Dose: 2-3ml /Lit. of water

Rich Bloom Flower, a powerful plant energizer and yield enhancer formulated with 22% oil of Mirbane. This exceptional product is designed to invigorate your plants, enhancing their canopy and inducing profuse flowering. By stimulating extensive bloom development, Rich Bloom Flower significantly boosts overall yield, making it an indispensable addition to your agricultural toolkit. Ideal for a wide range of crops, this plant energizer ensures your plants achieve their maximum potential, resulting in lush growth and abundant harvests.

Rich Bloom Flower is easy to use with a recommended dose of 2-3ml per liter of water, integrating seamlessly into your regular plant care routine. Available in convenient packaging options of 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1 liter, and 5 liters, it caters to various farming needs, from small gardens to large-scale agricultural operations. Enhance your plant's vitality and productivity with Rich Bloom Flower, the trusted solution for improving plant canopy, inducing flowering, and increasing yield.