eKisan Zone
Rich Magnesium Fertilizer

Rich Magnesium Fertilizer


NPK & Micronutrients

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Rich Magnesium 

Application of Magnesium to crops increases greenness of the crop & ultimately results into higher yield and crop quality.

Dose: 25 kg/acre.

Rich Magnesium is a tailored agricultural solution designed to address magnesium deficiencies in crops, thereby enhancing their vitality and yield potential. With magnesium being a crucial component in chlorophyll production, the application of Rich Magnesium promotes the lush greenness of crops, signifying optimal photosynthetic activity and nutrient assimilation. This enhanced greenness translates into heightened vigor and resilience, ultimately culminating in superior crop quality and yield.

The recommended dosage of 25 kg per acre ensures adequate magnesium supplementation for crops, effectively bolstering their nutrient uptake and metabolic processes. By providing this essential nutrient in a balanced and readily available form, Rich Magnesium offers a straightforward yet potent means of optimizing crop performance and productivity. Farmers can rely on Rich Magnesium to fortify their crops against magnesium deficiencies, unlocking their full genetic potential and achieving consistent, high-quality yields.