eKisan Zone
Maxgrow Biostimulant
Maxgrow Biostimulant
Maxgrow Biostimulant
Maxgrow Biostimulant
Maxgrow Biostimulant
Maxgrow Biostimulant

Maxgrow Biostimulant


Plant Growth Promoter

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Maxgrow is an organic product that promotes branching and growth in plants/crops chili, brinjal, etc as well for fruit plantations like bananas.  It also helps tackle biotic and abiotic stress during unfavorable climatic conditions.

Maxgrow is an organic product that promotes branching and growth in plants/crops. It also helps tackle biotic and abiotic stress during unfavorable climatic conditions.

Maxgrow is a product primarily designed for growth in terms of branching and foliage. It helps achieve uniformity in growth and in flowering stage.

Dose - 3 ml/Ltr of water - foliar spray. Preferably use sticker/spreader to prevent roll off from plant surface. spray preferably during the morning or late evening.

Method: Foliar spray, covering upper and ground facing surfaces. It is strongly suggested to add spreader/sticker so that product doesn’t roll off with water droplets. Take fine spray.