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Antivirus Kit

Antivirus Kit



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Anti-Virus kit

It is a 100% organic kit that controls viral infections in chili, tomato, papaya, cucumber, gourds, etc effectively.

This combo contains 5 products and is sufficient for one time application for 1 Acre.

Kit constituents: Spiden Waste Decomposer, Viroeseal, Proban, Nutriup & Maxgrow

Antivirus Kit

This combo contains 5 products and is sufficient for one time application for 1 Acre.

Spiden Waste Decomposer

Helps in Soil Health Management.

Dosage Method : 200 ltr Water 2-4 pouch + 2 kg Jaggery, Keep for 2 days and apply in soil.


Nutriup promotes growth by releasing trapped nutrients, promoting root growth and loosening the hardened soil, increasing the breathability for the roots.

Dosage: 2.5-3 gm/ml per 1 ltr of water.

Method: Spray on soil or by drenching (by drip irrigation)


Maxgrow is a product primarily designed for growth in terms of branching and foliage. It helps achieve uniformity in growth and in flowering stage.

Dosage: 2.5-3 ml/Ltr  of water.

Method: Foliar spray, covering upper and ground facing surfaces.


Viroeseal help plants recover from viral infections like papaya ring spot etc. This product stops the spread of viral particles to newer shoots of leaves and re-starts or maintains productivity levels which stop due to viral infection.

Dosage: 2.5-3 ml/Ltr of water.

Method: Foliar spray, covering upper and ground facing surfaces.


Proban is a consortium of microbes & their metabolites alongwith herbal extracts, that have dual effect of anti feedant and control action. This product prevents sucking of sap from plants and controls the newer generation of sucking pests. This product has a strong obnoxious smell.

Dosage: 2.5-3 ml/Ltr of water.

Method: Foliar Spray.