eKisan Zone
Pulse Kit

Pulse Kit



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Pulse Kit - 

A kit made for pulses like pigeon peas, Bengal gram, green gram, soybean, etc.

It Contains products for growth, larvae control & fungal control.  Pluse Kit includes- Spiden Waste Decomposer, Larvecon, Dcon, Maxgrow and Nutriup

Pulse Kit

This combo contains 5 products and is sufficient for one time application for 1 Acre.

Spiden Waste Decomposer

Helps in Soil Health Management.

Dosage Method : 200 ltr Water 2-4 pouch + 2 kg Jaggery, Keep for 2 days and apply in soil.


Nutriup promotes growth by releasing trapped nutrients, promoting root growth and loosening the hardened soil, increasing the breathability for the roots.

Dosage: 2.5-3 gm/ml per 1 ltr of water.

Method: Spray on soil or by drenching (by drip irrigation)


Maxgrow is a product primarily designed for growth in terms of branching and foliage. It helps achieve uniformity in growth and in flowering stage.

Dosage: 2.5-3 ml/Ltr  of water.

Method: Foliar spray, covering upper and ground facing surfaces.


Dcon is made  to control seed and soil borne diseases like root rot or ring rot. Many a times the problem comes from the soil itself when dormant fungal spores start sporulating.

Dosage: 2.5-3 ml/Ltr of water.

Method: Drenching or spray on soil near root zone



Larvecon is a 100% organic product made to control the larvae that eat leaves, bores holes on fruits, pods, vegetables etc. It also controls leaf miner larvae.

Dosage: 2.5-3 gm/ml per 1 ltr of water.

Method: Foliar Spray, covering all surfaces. It is strongly suggested to add spreader/sticker.


This kit is sufficient for 1 acre, 1 application.

It is recommended to use at least 2 kits for better results.