eKisan Zone
 MTL Organic Pesticides Potassium Salt
 MTL Organic Pesticides Potassium Salt
 MTL Organic Pesticides Potassium Salt
 MTL Organic Pesticides Potassium Salt
 MTL Organic Pesticides Potassium Salt

MTL Organic Pesticides Potassium Salt


Bio/Organic Pesticides

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MTL All Sucking Pest Repellent Mealy bugs red mite Thrips White Fly 100% Natural A highly effective insecticide formulated from the seeds of a plant specially formulated for the control of all soft-body sucking insects

MTL All Sucking Pest Repellent Mealy bugs red mite Thrips White Fly 100% Natural A highly effective insecticide formulated from the seeds of a plant specially formulated for the control of all soft-body sucking insects such as mealy bugs, thrips, whiteflies, mites, aphids, scale insects, and plant hoppers.


Characteristics: Like mealy bugs, thrips, whiteflies, mites, aphids A specially formulated mixture for the control of all soft-bodied absorbent insects. Houseplants, vegetables, fruits, shrubs or plants grown in greenhouses can be safely used. Natural safe non-toxic eco-friendly and fully biodegradable product is odorless and leaves no residue on the plant.


Spray volume: 5 ml per liter of water. ORGANO