eKisan Zone
 Pink Bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) Pheromone lure
 Pink Bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) Pheromone lure
 Pink Bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) Pheromone lure

Pink Bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) Pheromone lure



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Pheromone Lure for Pink Bull Worm Useful in Cotton to Catch Pink Bollworm Moth (Pectinophero gossipelia) / Cotton pest/Pink Lure- Pack 

  • 100% Organic Farming Use, Nonpoisonous traps
  • Host Crop- Cotton, Lady Finger.
  • Field life 45 day, Depend on whether condition.
  • Highly effective to monitor pink bull worm moth production
  • Field life of lure is 45 days and it continuously work for 24 hrs.
  • Precision Trapping: Use our High-efficiency Funnel Trap with Lure for consistent results and sustainable pest management. 
  • 12 traps are recommended for 1 Acre.
  • Usage: Set up the trap 30 cm or 1 foot above the crop canopy along with the Lure for optimal moth prevention. Wear gloves while handling lures for optimal performance.
  • Optimal Viability: Store lures in original sealed packages until 12 months.

Pink bollworm

Host crops : Cotton Pest

Identification : Adult is a small moth having wingspan of 10-15 mm, dark brown, with irregular black markings on the fore wing. Hind wing silvery gray with no distinct markings. Both wings are elongated, fringed with long hairs posteriorly and the tip of hind wing is sharply pointed.

Damage To Crop : In the younger crop larvae bore into tender squares and feed within resulting into drying of the terminal shoots. Later flower buds and bolls are attacked. Infested flower buds fail to open up completely due to webbing by the larva, giving the appearance of a typical rosette bloom. Larvae damage the bolls by tunneling into them, destroying the pulp and lint. Infested bolls open prematurely permitting fungal infection

Control Measures : Funnel trap with PEC-T Lure at 15/ha for monitoring. Pheromone Lure Details: • Dispenser - Septa • Material - Silicon Rubber • Packaging - Individually Sachet Packed • Sachet Material - Foil Lined Laminate • Field Life Of Pheromone lure - 45 days