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BIO PHERO MV with Delta trap Maruca vitrata(Legume Pod Borer) Pack of 10
BIO PHERO MV with Delta trap Maruca vitrata(Legume Pod Borer) Pack of 10
BIO PHERO MV with Delta trap Maruca vitrata(Legume Pod Borer) Pack of 10
BIO PHERO MV with Delta trap Maruca vitrata(Legume Pod Borer) Pack of 10

BIO PHERO MV with Delta trap Maruca vitrata(Legume Pod Borer) Pack of 10


Lure With Trap

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Pheromone lure of Legume pod borer (Maruca vitrata). Control legume pod borer with BIO PHERO MV LURE.

Target crops: French beans, Cowpeas, Pigeon peas, and long Yard beans.

Usage Instruction-

Cut open this pack and slide the lure piece outside. Do not touch the lure with bare hands.

Fix this lure properly in Delta / Water trap.

Replace the lure at the recommended duration.

Wash hands thoroughly before and after handling the trap and lure.

Discard used lure by burning or burying underground.

Trap to be used: Delta / Water trap

No. of trap /acre: 7 - 8Life of Lure: 60 Days

Contents: Pheromone lure of Maruca vitrata (Legume pod borer)


Identification and Life Cycle Egg:

Eggs of the pod borer are pale cream and flattened. The eggs are laid on or in the flowers (inserted between the petals). Each female can lay up to 200 eggs.


Larva: Larvae are pale cream with two rows of distinctive paired black markings on their back. In the final instar, these markings are often very pale.


Larvae can reach 18 mm in length. Young larvae feed inside flowers for 5-7 days before moving to the pods. After completing their development (10-15 days from egg hatch), larvae exit pods and pupate in the soil.



Moths have a 20-25 mm wingspan and a slender body. They have brown forewings with a white band extending two-thirds down the wing from the leading edge.

Inside this band near the leading edge is a white spot. They live for an average of 6-10 days.


Nature of damage- after hatching, the young larvae of Maruca vitrata (1st, 2nd, and 3rd instars) especially injure the terminal shoots and the flower buds whereas the older larvae (4th and 5th larval instars) particularly damage the open flowers and the pods.


The larvae feed from inside a webbed mass of leaves, flowers, flower buds, and pods. This concealed feeding habit protects the larvae from natural enemies and insecticides.


Older larvae are highly mobile, feeding continuously on flowers and newly formed pods and causing severe damage throughout the reproductive cycle of the crop.


Larvae move from one flower to another, and each may consume 4 - 6 flowers before larval development is completed.


Target crops: French beans, Cowpeas, Pigeon peas, and long Yard beans.


Usage Instruction-

Cut open this pack and slide the lure piece outside. Do not touch the lure with bare hands.


Fix this lure properly in Delta / Water trap.


Replace the lure at the recommended duration.


Wash hands thoroughly before and after handling the trap and lure.


Discard used lure by burning or burying underground.


Trap to be used: Delta / Water trap


No. of trap /acre: 7 - 8Life of Lure: 60 Days


Delta traps-

Delta traps are the most popular and dynamic devices for integrated pest management systems.


They are die-cut plastic sheet / flute board/cardboard sheet, which when folded forms a triangular-shaped trap.


Insects enter the traps through a triangle shape entrance in response to the pheromone that is placed inside the traps.


Once inside the traps, insects strike against the wall while in flight and fall on to the adhesive sheet at the bottom of the delta traps & get killed.